What Is Yoga ? Whare It Came From?
Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and scince of healthy living. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’. As per Yogic scriptures the practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body, Man & Nature. According to modern scientists, everything in the universe is just a manifestation of the same quantum firmament. One who experiences this oneness of existence is said to be in yoga, and is termed as a yogi, having attained to a state of freedom referred to as mukti, nirvana or moksha. Thus the aim of Yoga is Self-realization, to overcome all kinds of sufferings leading to ‘the state of liberation’ (Moksha) or ‘freedom’ (Kaivalya). Living with freedom in all walks of life, health and harmony shall be the main objectives of Yoga practice.”Yoga” also refers to an inner science comprising of a variety of methods through which human beings can realize this union and achieve mastery over their destiny.Yoga, being widely considered as an ‘immortal cultural outcome’ of Indus Saraswati Valley civilization – dating back to 2700 B.C., has proved itself catering to both material and spiritual upliftment of humanity.Basic humane values are the very identity of Yoga Sadhana.
About My Session
Hello,, My name is oliva alexendra, and i have been practicing yoga for over 10 years
during this time, i developed a my unique approach to health based on yoga and multiple practices, including meditation, psychometrics, visceral therapy, massage practices, working with habits and thinking………..
For the past 2 years, i have been organizing retreat tours and practicing my unique author’s style of body-oriented practice, which is designed to workout internal clamps of psychosometics…..
In my yoga classes, I aim to help people on the path to healing and self discovery. I believe that working with your body can make you feel better even when your doctors have been unable to help you for years.my approach is based on my personal experience and the belief that physical practices are necessary to archive higher level of health and happiness……